Rumor: Nintendo considering giving Nintendo 64 games the HD treatment

A new unsubstantiated rumor suggests that Nintendo could be seeking to give Nintendo 64 games the HD treatment.

This should be taken with a huge grain of salt as it's basically unsubstantiated rumor, but according to an anonymous source, Nintendo may be seeking to give seven Nintendo 64 games the HD treatment in a new effort called 'reUmagined'. According to this source, seven titles will see the Wind Waker HD treatment, meaning textures and gameplay will be brought up to par for the Wii U.

Currently the only title being released by the source is Super Mario 64. Apparently, these releases are supposed to fill the gaps between larger Wii U releases over the coming months. Here's what is said to be expected from this supposed reimagining of classic Nintendo 64 titles.

- The short development time allows these 'big classic' titles to fill the gap in between Nintendo's original Wii U software. - Less to fund and fewer people involved means more resources to original titles in development. - eShop only for $30 per title, reduces risk at retail. - Wind Waker approach taken in terms of visual upgrades, but 'reUmagined' titles will benefit from added content.

I can't imagine Nintendo charging $30 for a re-released Super Mario 64, as that seems outrageous for a two generations old game, even if it does have the HD treatment. What do you think of this rumor? Could Nintendo be hoarding Nintendo 64 titles in order to bring them up to snuff for modern TVs? Let us know what you think in the comments below.