Nintendo acknowledges lack of virtual console titles, hopes to fix that

Iwata has told investors that the Wii U and 3DS virtual consoles are not being used to full advantage and he hopes to correct that.

While the Wii had a very robust virtual console over the course of its life, virtual console releases for the Wii U are getting off to a very slow start. Aside from the 30 cent promotion that took place earlier this year, there's only been one or two titles released per week, with some of the best titles from the SNES era still not available. That being said, it looks like Nintendo acknowledges this as a problem, as Iwata has told investors that he wants to take advantage of the virtual console line up for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

'While Wii U and Nintendo 3DS already offer Virtual Console software, I feel that we have not been able to take full advantage of our assets yet, so we would like to enrich our Virtual Console lineup.'

No specifics were given in that statement, but many people are hoping that Nintendo 64 titles and eventually more Gamecube titles will make their way to the Wii U virtual console. There was a rumor that Nintendo is considering remaking some of the Nintendo 64 titles into HD releases, which would be interesting if it came true. What do you think?