Aonuma: Information About Majora's Mask Can Be Found By Playing A Link ...

Oh Aonuma, you tease

Another day, another 'Majora's Mask remake' slice of speculation. As many will know by now, the successor to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 has been teased time and again, but we don't seem to be growing tired of it; we're feeding from the information.

There have been rumours, a listing on a website, we've been told to speak up about it and some more teasing in between.

But now there are some new details that have made us stand to attention. At New York Comic Con, Eiji Aonuma was asked yet again about a remake during his Q&A session at the event.

The following comes from an IGN transcript of the fan's question and Aonuma's response:

Fan: First off, I want to say that A Link Between Worlds looks awesome. My question is kind of a shot in the dark: I like when Zelda gets really gritty and dark. I know you produced Wind Waker and this new game, but I wonder if you have any information on Majora's Mask at all, because that was my all-time favorite Zelda game. (Crowd cheers). Please say you'll make this [for] Wii U.

Eiji Aonuma: (pauses) If you play A Link Between Worlds, you may get an answer. You might find some information.

A brand new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was shown at NYCC, introducing a new world called Lorule and Hilda, who looks to be a similar figure to Zelda. The upcoming new addition to the Zelda series is released across Europe and North America on 22nd November.

It might be best not to look into Aonuma's comment too much; aside from a remake, references to the game might be seen throughout Link's new adventure, and that's all it could be. What are your thoughts on the topic?