Rumour: Nintendo working on “reUmagined” N64 classics for Wii U

Rumour: Nintendo working on 'reUmagined' N64 classics for Wii U

Paul Gale Network would lead us to believe that Nintendo are secretly preparing a series of 'reUmagined' games for Wii U - seven classic titles from the Nintendo 64 era that have been spruced up in a similar way to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. It's worth noting that their website aren't able to prove their claims at this time, only going as far to mention Super Mario 64 would be part of such plans. With such a project requiring few resources and relatively short development time, Nintendo will release them through the Nintendo eShop priced at $30, seeking to fill the void between their more heavy-hitting Wii U games arriving at retail. As an example, Super Mario 64 will supposedly introduce a two-player option that will see you traverse . In resplendent HD, there are two methods of control: 'Option A gives player one, GamePad control and player two, any other controller option. The camera will follow the brothers as they move throughout the stage, but should they split apart too far, the GamePad user's Lakitu (camera operator) will only follow that user on the controller's screen, while the second player's Lakitu will follow that character on the TV. 'Option B allows two GamePads to be used at once. If the brothers are nearby, the camera will remain the same on both GamePads and TV. If the brothers separate, each player will have his or her own unique camera view on their GamePad, until coming back together. While apart, however, the TV screen can be switched to be mimicking either player one or player two or be a top down perspective, map.' This can be enjoyed over the Nintendo Network with a friend, with online co-operative and counter co-operative gameplay being introduced alongside additional modes such as Race to Star and Coin Collector to broaden the experience. We'd certainly take this all with a pinch of salt for now, although it would certainly be exciting if true!

Alex Seedhouse+ Alex's early adoration for Nintendo began with a Yellow Game Boy and a copy of Donkey Kong Land. This developed over the years, later peaking when he hid in his room to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time one Christmas. Nowadays, his enthusiasm is shared through Nintendo Insider, a place in which he can document his thoughts regarding the big N.